Publishing quality control tools for the Roadways Characteristics Editor

The Check Events on Route widget in the Roadway Characteristic Editor has a dependancy on a geoprocessing service that must be published to ArcGIS Server with Roads and Highway Server installed. To do this, make a copy of the map document used for the map service with linear referencing capability that was published to support RCE. Add the geoprocessing model called "EventQCChecks" into this map document and publish it as a geoprocessing service. The EventQCChecks model can be found at: <install directory>\ESRI\Roads and Highways\Server\Web\RoadwayCharacteristics\EventsQC.


Users do not need to configure this model. Add the model to the table of contents with Network Layers and Event Layers, then publish it as a geoprocessing service from the map document.

Publishing a model as a geoprocessing service to be used in the Roadway Characteristics Editor


Publishing a model as a geoprocessing service to be used in the Roadway Characteristics Editor is one of the steps (step 6 of 9) of the Roadway characteristics Editor deployment process. Ensure all steps prior to this are completed before continuing with this work flow.

Follow the steps below to publish a model within a map document as a geoprocessing service for use in the Roadway Characteristics Editor.

  1. Navigate to <install directory>\ESRI\Roads and Highways\Server\Web\RoadwayCharacteristics\EventsQC.
  2. Copy EventQCChecks Toolbox to a local directory with the appropriate ArcGISSOC account permission
  3. Open ArcMap
  4. Add all Network Layers and Event Layers to the table of contents. Alternatively, you can copy the existing map document used to publish the map service with linear referencing capability.


    You must include every Network Layer and Event Layer (used in the map service with linear referencing capability) in the geoprocessing service

  5. Add EventQCChecks model, from the toolbox in step 2, to the table of contents (do not configure model)
  6. Save the map document
  7. Follow the steps to publish a geoprocessing service from a map document. For more information about publishing a geoprocessing service from a map document, see Publishing geoprocessing services.

    When publishing as a geoprocessing service for use in the Roadway Characteristics Editor, ensure the following parameters are defined:

    • Set as Synchronous (Asynchronous geoprocessing service errors. See Nimbus Bug NIM082175.)
    • Choose to publish from a Map Document, not a Toolbox
    • Turn on Show Messages
    • Set as Not pooled
    • Set the maximum number of instances to at least 6
    • Set all time-out settings to at least 3 * 15 [(number of event layers in ALRS) + 1]

  8. Edit the qcChecksUrl property in the Roadway Characteristics Editor config.json file to include the URL for this geoprocessing service

    For more information, see Configuring the Roadway Characteristics Editor web application.


    To find the URL of a nonpooled geoprocessing service, access the Capabilities tab of the service properties. Copy the URL from that location and manually type /rest/ before /services/. For example, the URL should look something like http://localhost/ArcGIS/rest/services/GPServiceName/GPServer/ModelName. Make sure to include the model name at the end of the URL.
