Create Generalized Bands (Production Mapping)


Creates and generalizes band features for an Elevation Guide Box surround element. It automates the most common generalization tasks for an Elevation Guide Box dataset by creating intermediate datasets that will be deleted when execution completes.


The default values in this model are optimized for an output dataset for a TLM 50, with the standard area-of-interest size and with a geographic spatial reference (for example, WGS84).



CreateGeneralizedBands_production (Input_Raster, Output_Feature_Class, Contour_Interval, Minimum_Feature_Area, Smoothing_Tolerance, {Input_Area_of_Interest_Features}, {Area_of_Interest_Field}, {Input_Hydro_Exclusion_Features})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The input raster layer.

Raster Layer

The output elevation guide band feature class.

Feature Class

Contour interval in meters. The interval must be either 10, 20, or 40.


Sets a minimum area for output polygons. Features smaller than this value will be removed. The default value is 0.00016 square decimal degrees.

If you are creating an output dataset with a projected coordinate system, this value should reflect the square units of that coordinate system (for example, square meters for a UTM dataset). Otherwise, the default value might result in an empty output dataset.


Sets a tolerance used by the smoothing algorithm. The larger the value, the more generalized the output band features.

Linear Unit

The feature class that will define the area to process.

Feature Layer

Field containing a unique identifier for each map sheet.


Feature layers or classes that define large water body areas to exclude from the elevation band area calculations.

Feature Layer

Code Sample

CreateGeneralizedBands example (Python window)

This ArcPy window code sample creates a raster layer from production mapping sample data. The script runs the CreateGeneralizedBands function against the raster layer and writes the output to a file geodatabase in the c:\work folder. You need to have the Spatial Analyst and Production Mapping extensions enabled.

import arcpy

# the raster is part of the production mapping sample data
n32_dt0 = "C:\\data\\Foundation_Data_Tutorials\\Reference\\DEM\\dted\\w117\\n32.dt0"
MakeRas_dt01 = "MakeRas_dt01"

# an output workspace
generalized_bands = "C:\\data\\work.gdb\\generalized_bands"

# import the production mapping toolbox
arcpy.ImportToolbox(r'C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Production Mapping Tools.tbx')

# Make a Raster Layer from the dted
arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(n32_dt0, MakeRas_dt01, "", "-117.004166666667 31.9958333333333 -115.995833333333 33.0041666666667", "")

# Execute Create Generalized Bands - this will generate the generalized_bands output
arcpy.CreateGeneralizedBands_production(MakeRas_dt01, generalized_bands, "40", "0.00016", "0.02 DecimalDegrees", "", "", "")


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments

Related Topics

Licensing Information

ArcView: No
ArcEditor: Requires Production Mapping and Spatial Analyst
ArcInfo: Requires Production Mapping and Spatial Analyst
