What's new in ESRI Defense Mapping

With Esri Defense Mapping 10, several enhancements have been made to the user experience and the functionality.

New at 10.0 SP4

The MGCP Geodatabase To Shape geoprocessing tool parameters were generalized, and the tool was renamed to Geodatabase To Shape and moved to the Features toolset.

New at 10.0 SP3

New tools

  • The Split Viewtool on the Defense Mapping toolbar in ArcMap opens the Split View window and allows you to have two views of the Table Of Contents window and the data frame.
  • Make Defense Grids and Graticules is a new geoprocessing tool that simplifies the Defense Mapping grid creation workflow by combining the functionality of Make Grids and Graticules Layer, Feature Outline Masks, and Create Feature Dataset into a single tool.


The following are enhancements that have been made to Defense Mapping.

  • The Topographic Data Stores (TDS) product is now supported.
  • A series of Workflow Manager custom steps and Task Assistant Manager workflows are available to streamline and automate TDS production workflows.

New at 10.0 SP2

The following are enhancements that have been made to Defense Mapping.

Geoprocessing tools

  • Populate Map Info is a new tool in the Cartographic Data toolset that populates text in defense-specific graphic elements on an ArcMap layout.
  • GAIT is a new tool in the Features toolset that allows you to validate data against a data model based on specific conditions.
  • The Create JOG Elevation Tint Bands tool has been renamed Create JOG Elevation Tint Bands From Features.
  • The Create TLM Elevation Guide Bands tool has been renamed Create TLM Elevation Guide Bands From Features.
  • There is a new Banding toolset within the Cartographic Data toolset that contains all the banding tools. This includes the two scripts that create bands for JOG and TLM elements and the Create Smooth TLM Elevation Guide Bands From Raster model.
  • The Create Smooth TLM Elevation Guide Bands From Raster model has been added to the Banding toolset. This model creates smooth band features for a TLM Elevation Guide element.

Other changes

  • You can now define the number of bands that appear on a TLM Elevation Guide Bar.
    TLM Elevation Guide Bar Properties dialog box with the new Number of Bands drop-down list
  • The TFDM product folder has been renamed TDS.

New at 10.0 SP1

The TFDM Metadata Ingest toolset contains geoprocessing tools that allow you to transfer metadata between different Defense Mapping data models.

General enhancements

Toolbar enhancements

Changes to the Buildings properties

Topology tools

Topology for a geodatabase can be exported as an XML file. You can also import a standard topology for a product specification using an XML file that has been created or included with Defense Mapping.


Several new tools have been introduced in the Defense Mapping toolbox at version 10. These tools assist in the creation of bands for JOG Elevation Tint and TLM Elevation Guide Box elements. There are also several MGCP tools available with geoprocessing so they can be run outside ArcGIS or as part of a model.

Configuration files
