What are metadata favorites?

The Metadata tab on the Manage Features window is used to create metadata favorites. Metadata favorites store the values that will be populated in feature-level metadata fields when edits occur. When creating metadata favorites, you can create one favorite for each different set of attributes. For example, you might create one favorite for each image source you plan to use. When you perform edits, you can choose the appropriate favorite and the attributes set in the favorite will be applied to any feature that you create or modify.

Feature-level metadata is typically consistent among the features you are editing during an edit session. For instance, when extracting features from an image source, the information about that source is the same for all features extracted from that source. The metadata favorites that apply to one database may be different from the favorites for another database. For example, the image used to extract features may be different because the databases include features from different locations. For this reason, metadata favorites are stored in your production database. This means that if you change to a different database, the metadata favorites that are available may be different even though you are pointing to the same product library.

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