Using the Cut Polygons tool

You can use the Cut Polygons tool on the 3D Editor toolbar to split a polygon and create one or more new features.

Make sure you cut completely across the selected polygon feature, because otherwise the cut operation will not be successful. Edge snapping can help make sure that you cut across the polygon. For example, when trying to cut a polygon feature that has been extruded, edge snapping in 3D simplifies the cut by exactly digitizing the line segment to the edges of each wall.

  1. Begin an edit session and click the Edit Placement Edit Placement Tool tool.
  2. Click the Cut Polygons Cut Polygons Tool tool on the 3D Editor toolbar.
  3. Click once to start creating the line sketch for cutting the polygon.
  4. Cut completely across the selected polygon feature.
  5. Double-click the end of the segment to finish the line sketch.

The polygon is split where the line crosses it. Using the Edit Placement Edit Placement Tool tool, deselect the polygon feature, then click inside it to select the newly divided areas.

  • To enable edge snapping, click the 3D Editor menu, click Snapping, then open the Snapping Environment window. Check Edge for the polygon feature layer that you are editing.

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