Using the Import Fabric Data wizard log file to locate errors in migrated parcels

This topic applies to ArcEditor and ArcInfo only.

You can log the results of an import of data to the parcel fabric in the final step of the Import Fabric Data wizard. The importer will log errors in these circumstances:

    When migrating parcel data using the Import Fabric Data wizard, make sure to specify a log file by clicking the Log import results to a file option in the final step of the wizard.
  1. After migrating your fabric source data into your parcel fabric, open your log file.
  2. If the log file contains errors, the parcel IDs, line IDs, and point IDs refer to the system COGO feature IDs in your fabric source data, not in the parcel fabric.

  3. To identify a parcel or line error reported in the log file, load both the source parcel polygon or line feature classes and the parcel fabric into ArcMap.
  4. Open the attribute table of your source parcel polygons or source parcel lines.
  5. Click the underscore (_) or pound sign (#) field name to select the entire field, for example, AlachuaCounty_ field.
  6. Click the Options button and click Find & Replace.
  7. In the Find and Replace dialog box, type the parcel or line ID reported in the log file in the Find What text box.
  8. Click Find Next.
  9. Click Cancel to close the Find and Replace dialog box, then select the row in the attribute table containing the ID you searched for.
  10. Polygon ID
  11. Right-click and click Zoom To to zoom to the selected line or parcel in your fabric source data.
  12. You have now located the parcel in your parcel fabric that has the problem.

  13. Turn off your fabric source feature classes, select the corresponding parcel in your parcel fabric, then open the parcel.
  14. Select the parcel in either the parcel explorer or the map to open the parcel in the parcel traverse environment. You might need to select the parcel in the parcel explorer because sometimes, if the parcel is badly skewed, you cannot select it in the map.
  15. When the parcel is opened in the parcel traverse environment, it is displayed according to its COGO dimensions in the parcel traverse. Bad misclosures due to bad lines are easily identified in the parcel traverse environment.

You can use the values in the MiscloseRatio and MiscloseDistance fields in the parcel fabric parcels attribute table to locate those parcels with large misclosures.
