An overview of the Rendering toolset

This collection of rendering tools is temporarily included to ensure that custom models and scripts created prior to ArcGIS 9.3 will continue to function. This functionality is obsolete due to new capabilities in ArcGIS that allow output from script and model tools to be associated with default rendering. See Setting output symbology in scripts and Setting output symbology in models.

Suggested script/model modifications


Suggested strategy/description

Cluster/Outlier Analysis with Rendering

Replace with Cluster and Outlier Analysis; rendering is now automatic.

Hot Spot Analysis with Rendering

Replace with Hot Spot Analysis; rendering is now automatic.

Collect Events with Rendering

Replace with Collect Events; rendering is now automatic.

Count Rendering

Applies graduated circle rendering to a numeric field in a feature class.

ZScore Rendering

Applies a cold (blue) to hot (red) color rendering scheme for a field of z-scores.

Rendering tools

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