What's new in ArcGIS Schematics 10?

As a result of user feedback on previous versions, it was determined that some ArcGIS Schematics concepts were not easy to understand for most ArcGIS users. Symbology and labeling on schematic elements were managed in a completely different way than in most of the ArcGIS suite, which made the usability and configuration of schematic datasets quite complex.

This led ESRI to think about a new architecture to simplify things, bring the user experience closer to that of a standard feature class or feature dataset, and allow users to take advantage of core ArcGIS symbology and labeling in Schematics. Schematics 10 has been completely rebuilt on new foundations with a new architecture of parts of the Schematics API and the configuration tool.


These main changes have major impacts on the schematic datasets. To be able to use the full Schematics functions on a pre-10 schematic dataset, you must migrate this schematic dataset. It is recommended that you carefully read the topics in the Migrating from a pre-10 Schematics version help book before migrating any pre-10 schematic dataset.

Main changes for Schematics

Fundamentals of rules and layout algorithms kept

The set of schematic rules and schematic layout algorithms that existed in previous versions have been adapted to follow the new architecture, but their general philosophy has been kept.

The only difference on schematic rules in this version concerns the rule execution. In Schematics versions prior to ArcGIS 10, the rules operated in the schematic dataset after the storage of the generated/updated schematic features. In this version, the process executes directly in memory so that any attribute on the schematic features impacted or created by the rules are evaluated on the fly.
