Migrating from ArcView GIS Network Analyst

These workflows discuss the steps to migrate from ArcView GIS Network Analyst to ArcGIS Network Analyst.

ArcGIS uses network datasets for network analyses. Network datasets can exist in shapefile workspaces or geodatabase workspaces. Additionally, Network Analyst can perform analysis by directly reading SDC data.

If you have your source data, such as streets in shapefiles, you can choose the type of network dataset you want to create. You can create a shapefile-based network dataset or a geodatabase-based network dataset.

Shapefile-based networks

If you have a single edge source in shapefile format that you want to use for network analysis, you may prefer to create a shapefile network dataset. ArcGIS Network Analyst can automatically recognize and set up cost, restriction, and hierarchy attributes by inspecting your shapefile and searching for commonly used fields, such as Meters, Minutes, Oneway, and Hierarchy. For shapefile-based networks, the source is maintained in the original shapefile format.

Geodatabase-based networks

If you want to model multimodal networks or have multiple sources that connect to each other using sophisticated connectivity rules, you may prefer to create your network dataset in a geodatabase workspace. In this case, sources are maintained as feature classes in a geodatabase. They can participate in a topology. The connectivity model of a geodatabase-based network dataset supports subtypes and multiple edge and junction sources.

Migrating from ArcView GIS to a shapefile-based network dataset

Migrating from ArcView GIS to a shapefile-based network dataset involves the following steps:

Migrating from ArcView GIS to a geodatabase-based network dataset

Migrating from ArcView GIS to a geodatabase-based network involves the following steps:
