About setting route measures

The following methods can be used to set a route's measure values. It is possible to apply these methods to an entire route or a portion of a route.

Learn more about selecting a subportion of a route

Set As Distance

Set the route's measure values to be the cumulative length from the origin of the geometry. Hence, route measures will increase with the digitized direction of the route.

Set As Distance

Set From/To

Set the route's measures using known start and end values. All measure values between the start and end will be interpolated.

In some applications, the ratio between a route's length and its measures is not constant. When the Set From/To method is applied to a route, it is possible to preserve the measure schema that exists. That is, this method can assign measure values based on the original measure value.

Set From/To

Sometimes a constant change needs to be applied to a route's measures. This is the case whenever measures need to be rescaled or converted into different units or increased or decreased by some value. You can meet these needs by using the Apply Factor and Offset methods.

Apply Factor

Multiply a route's measures by a factor.

Apply Factor


Add a value to a route's measures.


Calculate NaN

Interpolate or extrapolate all route measures that are unknown (NaN).

Calculate NaN

Drop Measures

Set all route measures to NaN.

Drop Measures

Set Direction As M

There is no requirement that a route's measures increase with the digitized direction. This method will flip a route's geometry to match the direction in which the measures are increasing.

Set Direction As M

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Published 6/7/2010