Preventing users from connecting to a geodatabase

You can use the sdemon command to pause the geodatabase. Doing so alters the value of the STATUS parameter in the sde_server_config table, changing the STATUS to 2 (paused), thereby preventing new connections from being made to the geodatabase.

The syntax for the sdemon command with the pause operation is as follows:

sdemon –o pause {[–i <service> | <port#>] [–s <server_name>] | [–H <sde_directory>]}
[–p <ArcSDE_admin_password>]

Contents in brackets ( [ ] ) are optional. See the sdemon command in the ArcSDE Administration Command reference for more information.

  1. Use one of the following methods to prevent users from connecting to the geodatabase.
    • At an MS-DOS command prompt (Windows) or shell prompt (UNIX/Linux), type the sdemon command with the pause operation.
      sdemon –o pause –p nevermind –s squirrel –i 6543 
      ArcSDE I/O Manager is paused, no further connections will be allowed
    • Use the sdeconfig command to alter the CONNECTIONS value, setting it to a value low enough so only the existing connections remain.
      sdeconfig -o alter -v CONNECTIONS=1
      -i sde:sqlserver:server1\ssdb -s server1 -D mygdb
      -u sde -p ykaens

    When another user tries to make a connection, the message "Maximum number of connections to instance exceeded" is returned, and the connection is denied.


    The ArcSDE administrator can still connect to the geodatabase even when it is paused.

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