Default Output Z Value (Environment setting)

Tools that honor this environment will set the z-coordinate for each output vertex that does not already have a z-coordinate.

For example, if using the Merge tool with two feature classes, one that is z aware and one that is not, the default output z-value (or 0 if the environment is not set) will be assigned only to the vertices that originated from the input feature class that was not z aware.

Usage notes

Dialog syntax

Default Output Z Value—The z-coordinate that will be set on feature vertices written to the output feature that do not already have a z-coordinate

Scripting syntax

arcpy.env.outputZValue = double




The z-coordinate that will be set on feature vertices written to the output feature that do not already have a z-coordinate

outputZValue syntax

Script example

import arcpy

# Set the outputZValue environment to Enabled
arcpy.env.outputZValue = 100

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