World Topographic Map

Image of the world topographic map

Collection: World

Map Service Name: World_Topo_Map

This map is designed to be used as a basemap by GIS professionals and as a reference map by anyone. The map includes administrative boundaries, cities, water features, physiographic features, parks, landmarks, highways, roads, railways, and airports overlaid on land cover and shaded relief imagery for added context.

The map provides coverage for the world down to a scale of ~1:144k.

This basemap was compiled from a variety of best available sources from several data providers, including the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) , U.S. National Park Service (NPS), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Department of Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN), GeoBase1,2, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, DeLorme, and Esri.

The map was designed and developed based on the topographic map templates that are available through the Map Templates Resource Center. You can download and use these map templates to build maps for your area of interest that can be published as part of, or along with, the World Topographic Map.

The map is designed to be a basemap for other layers. The map design purposefully omitted the darkest and brightest colors from the map so users could incorporate those colors to symbolize the data to be overlaid on this map. Visit the Esri Mapping Center blog for more information on the design.


If you have the Basemap Collection, Esri recommends you use the more detailed version of the World Topographic Map included in that collection.

Attribution: Sources: Esri, DeLorme, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

1Portions of this data originate from GeoBase®. Use of the Data shall not be construed as an endorsement by GeoBase®. All distributed data should be accessed and used relatively to the GeoBase Unrestricted Use Licence Agreement. With this licence, users are granted a nonexclusive, fully paid, royalty-free right and licence to exercise all intellectual property rights in the data. This includes the right to use, incorporate, sublicense (with further right of sublicensing), modify, improve, further develop, and distribute the data; and to manufacture and/or distribute Derivative Products. The Licensee shall identify GeoBase as a data source.

2Portions of this data originate from © Department of Natural Resources Canada. All rights reserved.

Coordinate System: WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere)

Units of Measure: esriMeters


Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)

Map DPI: 96

Tile Size of Map Cache: 256 pixels by 256 pixels

Map Service Data Format: Map Server Cache in JPEG Format

Map Service Size: 110 GB

Map Service Size on Disk: 110 GB

Map Service Number of Files: 2,161

Cached Map Scales:
