DeLorme World Basemap

Thumbnail of DeLorme World Basemap showing Bangkok area

Collection: World

Map Service Name: DeLorme_World_Base_Map

Description: DeLorme's basemap is designed to be used by GIS technicians and other mapping professionals, across a variety of industries. The DeLorme World Basemap is a seamless global dataset with horizontal accuracy of +/- 50 meters. The map accurately portrays major transportation layers, inland and shoreline hydrography, agreed and disputed jurisdiction boundaries, and major geographic features. The map provides coverage for the world down to a scale of approximately 1:288k. In designing the map, DeLorme applied a rich cartographic look and feel to create a seamless view of the world, combining accurate object placement and projection with a compelling topographic visualization of the Earth.

Attribution: Copyright:© 2011 DeLorme

Coordinate System: WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere)

Units of Measure: esriMeters


Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)

Map DPI: 96

Tile Size of Map Cache: 256 pixels by 256 pixels

Map Service Data Format: Map server cache in JPEG format

Map Service Size: 16.7 GB

Map Service Size on Disk: 16.7 GB

Map Service Number of Files: 928

Cached Map Scales:
